Livereload Phpstorm

I want to use a combination of VScode + Gulp + Electron to build an application. A nice feature of the development workflow would be to add an live reload task to my Gulp watch task, to reload the Electron application on every change. PhpStorm 6.0.3 GruntとCakePHP まずは第一部、GruntとCakePHPの構成についてです。 ・CakePHPのフォルダ構成などに合わせたビルド実行 ・CSS/JS/PHP(CTP)の変更監視・LiveReload ・PHP -Sを使ったサーバ起動(PHP5.4 <) ・Apache・nginxへのリバースプロキシ(<PHP5.3) という処理をGrunt. I've edited a simple Gulp pipeline (that i've tested and works outside the IDE) and i'm now trying to include it into PHPStorm Project in order to achieve a better css workflow in a real project. This is the script, (it's a simple css optimization pipeline). PhpStorm 6.0.3 GruntとCakePHP まずは第一部、GruntとCakePHPの構成についてです。 ・CakePHPのフォルダ構成などに合わせたビルド実行 ・CSS/JS/PHP(CTP)の変更監視・LiveReload ・PHP -Sを使ったサーバ起動(PHP5.4 <) ・Apache・nginxへのリバースプロキシ(<PHP5.3) という処理をGrunt.

  1. Webstorm Live Reload
  2. Webstorm Live Reload Not Working

Webstorm Live Reload

I’m currently using this to build a website.

Everything has been going fine up until yesterday when I ran bower install at which point my application exploded.

So… barely understanding much of what I’m using from a lower level standpoint I now need to set-up some type of debugging to figure out the issues I’m having.

I’m currently using PHPStorm and would with a normal website set-up debugging through there and map the files. However, with the yeoman/angular set-up it isn’t that simple because there are a bunch of grunt tasks being run that preprocess (minify, uglify, compress, etc) the files and toss them in a separate dist directory.

Livereload Phpstorm

Webstorm Live Reload Not Working

So I was wondering if anyone knew the best way to set-up JavaScript debugging through a JetBrains product, like PHPStorm for a Angular JS website built with Yeoman Angular. I have began looking more into grunt and all the various tasks being used but it is a lot to weed through. Ideally it would be nice to have untouched files, that although get copied to a separate directory I can set-up a mapping in PHPStorm to deal with that to map the real directory to the dist directory.